You are thinking of renting your property to travelers in Catalonia, you should bear in mind that there is a process under the law to register a tourist apartment and VUT in Catalonia. This process includes a series of legal and fiscal requirements that you must comply with.
To register a tourist apartment or home for tourist use (VUT) in Catalonia, you must follow the steps below.

Process to register a tourist apartment and VUT in Catalonia
Check that you meet the regulatory requirements.
The requirements are established in theDecree 159/2012, of November 20, on tourist accommodation establishments and housing for tourist use (DOGC no. 6268, of December 5, 2012).
To know the regulatory requirements in detail, visit our articleWhat requirements must tourist apartments and Tourist Use Homes meet?
Go to the town hall of the municipality where the tourist apartment or VUT is located to obtain the following documents.
- The declaration model responsible for starting the activity.
- The certificate of occupancy (if you did not have it or if you did, you could not find it or it had expired).
- The municipal opening license, if applicable.
Gather the necessary documentation if you don’t have it.
- Obtain a favorable report from PEUAT. PEUAT (Special Urban Plan for Tourist Accommodation) may sound Chinese to you, but if you are going to fully enter this business you should know that it is basic regulations on tourist apartments in Barcelona. You can consult all the information about the PEUAT on the website of thecity hall. If you want to obtain the license that allows you to legally carry out the tourist leasing activity, you must have a favorable report from the PEUAT. The request can be made electronically or in person, requesting an appointment at the Barcelona City Council.
When making the request you must prove that:
- The property meets all the requirements set forth in the urban regulations.
- The house is not occupied.
- It has a certificate of habitability.
- It is in an area where the PEUAT allows the creation of new tourist homes
- The house does not occupy the ground floor of a building.
- It has not been used for housing since June 1, 2015.
- The building has a license to be housing for tourist use and other compatible uses.
- You must present the communication instance of HUT (in Catalan, Habitatges d’Ús Turístic), which is the name given to the responsible declaration of registration of houses for tourist use (VUT). In which you have to declare:
- The identification data of the house and its owner.
- That it has the certificate of habitability.
- That it meets the requirements established by current regulations, and that it undertakes to maintain its compliance during the validity of the exercise of the activity.
- It is necessary to attach a photocopy of your ID and an accreditation of the capacity of the company in charge of the assistance and maintenance of your property to appear within a maximum period of 30 minutes if necessary.
Submit the declaration responsible for starting the activity.
The presentation of the responsible declaration is the most important procedure that you will have to carry out if you want to register an apartment or a house for tourist use in Catalonia. Its purpose is to communicate to the Generalitat your intention to use the property for of tourist accommodation, so that it can add you to the Tourism Registry of Catalonia (RTC) and you can operate legally.
Each city council can have its own model declaration of start of activity, modalities and costs of the procedure. Therefore you should go to your town hall. Check with the town hall if this procedure can be done online.
Prepare your property.
In order for your property to attract tourists and allow you to obtain good valuations, it is important that you prepare it properly. You must ensure that the property is in good repair, clean and equipped with everything necessary to make guests feel comfortable.
It is not mandatory in the regulations for tourist apartments and tourist-use homes in Catalonia for owners to offer a contract to their guests, but, based on our experience, we allow ourselves to recommend renting a home with all the guarantees, which which can only be done if this document is mediated between the two parties.
Promote your property.
Once you have met all the legal and tax requirements, it is time to start promoting your property. You can do it through vacation rental platforms, social networks, classified ads, among others. At Company Gestions Club we have all the availability and access to the main tourist accommodation platforms to promote your tourist apartment or VUT.
If you are thinking of renting your tourist apartment or VUT, and you consider that you do not have the time or availability for the registration process, at Company Gestions Club we have highly trained professionals in this medium to manage the tourist rental.Write us or call us.
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